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Studies in Theory of Literary Plot and Narratology
Digital network scientific journal For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2410-7883 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84792 | |
Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya | |
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Authors: Tatyana V. Zvereva Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russian Federation In the section The Plot in Literature and Folklore
Abstract: “The Captain’s Daughter” by A. S. Pushkin is considered in the context of ideological disputes related to the most important concepts of the Russian state system, such as: “spravedlivost’” (fairness), “pravosudiye” (justice), and “milost’” (mercy). It was identified that the latter novel was a part of the controversy about the release of the “Complete Collection of the Laws of the Russian Empire” by M. Speransky (1832–1833). In Russia, the focus on justice issues intensified after the events of 1825 and the execution of the Decembrists. The novel demonstrates the author’s extensive reflection on the issues of Christian mercy (misericordia) and the mercy of the government (clementia). The analysis of historical documents showed that Pugachev in his Manifestos followed the principles of Christian mercy, while for Catherine the Second the mercy was a part of the political strategy. These two poles are sometimes attracted to each other, sometimes repelled from each other in “The Captain’s Daughter”, revealing the most complex dialectic of the author’s thought. It is concluded that the moral instinct coming from I. Kant’s “categorical imperative” proves to be saving in Pushkin’s artistic world. Keywords: A. Pushkin, Pugachev, Catherine II, I. Kant, a historical novel, a family chronicle, an author, the plot Bibliography: Evans R. J. Rituals of Retribution. Capital Punishment in Germany. 1600–1987. New York, Oxford Uni. Press, 1996, 1014 p. Kochetkova N. D. “Pravosudie” i “milost’” v poezii Derzhavina [“Justice” and “Mercy” in Derzhavin’s poetry]. In: XVIII vek [18th century]. St. Petersburg, Nauka, 1996, iss. 20, pp. 72–78. (in Russ.) Listov V. S. Dve vstrechi v Czarskosel’skom parke: k istolkovaniyu finala romana A. S. Pushkina “Kapitanskaya dochka” [Two meetings in Tsarskoe Selo Park: The interpretation of the finale of A. S. Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter”]. In: Vremennik Pushkinskoi komissii [Periodical collection of the Pushkin Commission]. St. Petersburg, Nauka, 2002, iss. 28, pp. 202–214. (in Russ.) Lotman Yu. M. Ideinaya struktura “Kapitanskoi dochki”. In: Pushkinskii sbornik [Pushkin’s Collection]. Pskov, 1962, pp. 3–19. (in Russ.) Marasinova E. Gosudarevo miloserdie v Rossii XVIII veka [The sovereign’s mercy in Russia of the 18th century]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [New Literary Review]. 2023, no. 184, pp. 316–328. (in Russ.) Milchina V. Opyat’ o pravosudii i milosti: eshche odin vozmozhnyi istochnik finala “Kapitanskoi dochki”. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [New Literary Review], 2021, no. 172, pp. 180–192. (in Russ.) Muravieva O. S. Kapitanskaya dochka [The captain’s daughter]. In: Pushkinskaya entsiklopediya [Pushkin Encyclopedia]. St. Petersburg, Nestor-Istoriya Publ., 2012, pp. 445–463. (in Russ.) Nadezhdin A. K voprosu o teme milosti v russkoi literature XVIII veka [On the topic of mercy in Russian literature of the 18th century]. In: Von Wenigen (Ot nemnogix) [Von Wenigen (From the Few)]. St. Petersburg, Pushkinskii Dom, 2008, pp. 11–17. (in Russ.) Neklyudova M. “Milost’” / “pravosudie”: o frantsuzskom kontekste pushkinskoi temy. In: Pushkinskie chteniya v Tartu [Pushkin readings in Tartu]. Tartu, 2000, pp. 204–215. (in Russ.) Ospovat A. L. Istoricheskii material i istoricheskie allyuzii v “Kapitanskoi dochke”. Tynyanovskii sbornik [Tynianov’s Collection]. Moscow. Knizhnaya palata, 1998, iss. 10, pp. 40–67. (in Russ.) Ospovat A. L. K istochnikam pushkinskoi temy milost’ – pravosudie (“vostochnaya” povest’ F. V. Bulgarina). In: Πολυτροπον: k 70-letiyu V. N. Toporova [Πολυτροπον: On the 70th anniversary of V. N. Toporov]. Moscow, Indrik Publ., 1988, pp. 591–595. (in Russ.) Polskoi S. Clementia Augustae: miloserdie i “nelepyi obet” imperatritsy. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie [New Literary Review], 2023, no. 184, pp. 329–351. (in Russ.) Proskurina V. Yu. Ekaterina II v “Kapitanskoi dochke” A. S. Pushkina. Homo scriptor. Sbornik statei v chest’ 70-letiya M. Epshteina [Homo scriptor. Collection of articles in honor of the 70th anniversary of M. Epstein]. Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2020, pp. 140–169. (in Russ.) Saidali I. M., Rakhmanov B. R. Motivy milosti i pravosudiya v “vostochnykh” povestyakh F. V. Bulgarina [Motives of mercy and justice in the “Oriental” novels of F. V. Bulgarin]. Vestnik Tyumenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Gumanitarnye issledovaniya [Bulletin of the Tyumen State University. Humanitarian Studies], 2016, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 89–99. (in Russ.) Uspensky B. A. Izbrannye trudy [Selected works]. In 2 vols. Moscow, Gnozis Publ., 1994, vol. 1: Semiotics of history. The semiotics of culture, 429 p. (in Russ.) Vatsuro V. E. Iz istoriko-literaturnogo kommentariya k proizvedeniyam Pushkina. In: Pushkin: Issledovaniya i materialy [Pushkin: Research and materials]. Leningrad, Nauka, 1986, vol. 12, pp. 314–319. (in Russ.) Zaslavsky O. B. Tema milosti v “Kapitanskoi dochke”. Russkaya literatura [Russian Literature], 1996, no. 4, pp. 41–53. (in Russ.) |
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