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Studies in Theory of Literary Plot and Narratology
Digital network scientific journal For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2410-7883 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84792 | |
Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya | |
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Authors: O. B. Zaslavskiy Kharkov National University named after V. N. Karazinб Kharkov, Ukraine In the section Literary Life of the Plot
Abstract: It is shown that among Pushkin’s works there exists such a group of them (mainly created in the first Boldino autumn) that contains the same set of elements of a plot. This includes provocation (P), conclusion of abnormal treaty (T), unexpected visit of a guest (V), fighting for a woman (F), retribution (R). As a result, for the group of works under discussion, the key plot formula is obtained: P T V F R. Some elements can be repeated or negated or are absent at all. As a result, we can consider the situation in «The Shot». The count agrees carelessly on the right of a postponed shot for Silvio. Moreover, he himself formulates explicitly the conditions that Silvio beforehand only hinted at. From the perspective of the consequent events such a hint is nothing else than unconditional provocation. After abnormal agreement, six years later, avenger Silvio intrudes into the count’s life. He appears from the past that seemingly has gone away. During the 2nd duel, the count does not have a right for a shot. Nonetheless, he makes a first shot inexplicably. The count is unable to explain the motifs of his own actions but refers to his antagonist that in a sense managed «to force» him. As a result of provocation form the Silvio side, the duel acquires completely abnormal character. In doing so, a participant who has the right for shot, does not use it. Meanwhile, the other one who did not have such a right at all, makes a shot. Afterwards, pangs of conscience turn out to be a kind of retribution. Also, the abnormal character of events manifests itself in the story with a madcap R***. After his escapade, the standard rules of behavior among nobles require a duel but this duel never occurred. Such a structural integrity enables us to fill some gaps in the interpretation of «The Stone Guest» and point to the episode of combat against statue overlooked in literature. This conclusion agrees with that made by us earlier on the basis of the inner analysis of the text. We suggest general interpretation of the plot complex under discussion related to the double structure of the world and newcomers from the other world. Our results essentially extend and generalize the previous observations made by Yu. K. Shcheglov in the work «The puzzles and finds of Pushkin’s “The Station Master”». We also discuss connection of the revealed complex with the Pushkin sculptural myth. Keywords: Bibliography: Chernyaev N. I. O srodstve “Kamennogo gostya” s “Grobovshchikom” i “Mednym vsadnikom” [On affinity of “The Stone Guest” with “Coffinmaker” and “Bronze Horseman”]. Kriticheskie stat’i i zametki o Pushkine [Crticial papers and notes on Pushkin]. Kharkov, 1900, p. 81–91. (in Russ.) Chumakov Yu. N. Dva fragmenta o syuzhetnoy polifonii “Motsarta i Sal’eri” [Two fragments on the plot polyphony of “Mozart and Salieri”]. Boldinskie chteniya [Boldino Readings]. 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