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Studies in Theory of Literary Plot and Narratology
Digital network scientific journal For specialists in literature and folklor |
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DOI: 10.25205/2410-7883 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84792 | |
Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya | |
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Authors: Alina G. Silcheva, Artur A. Tsymbalyuk Moscow University named by A. S. Griboedov, Moscow, Russian Federation; Shenzhen MSU-BIT University, Shenzhen, China In the section The Plot in Literature and Folklore
Abstract: The article touches upon one of the topical problems at the intersection of literary studies and linguistics – how loanwords are embedded in the original language of the narrative. The novel “iPhuck 10” (2017) was chosen for the study, its title already containing an English-language insertion. To analyze the network of loanwords in the novel, a selective set of Anglicisms was formed. Only those lexemes were selected that are used in the lines of the main character, Mara Gnedykh, in her characterization and in those sections where she acts as a narrator (the chapter “making movies”). This way to explore characters’ features and storyline by analyzing loanwords in their speech determines the novelty of the study. A total of 93 tokens were analyzed. The key research method is the semantic field method; intertextual analysis was also used as a secondary method. It is determined that the Anglicisms in the novel can be divided into the following thematic blocks: professional vocabulary and colloquial speech; emphasized politically correct vocabulary, the use of which creates a comic effect; the language of the market describing the capitalist world. It is proved that the English-language inclusions in the Pelevin text differ in a wide range of functionality: in addition to characterizing and designating the place and time of action, Anglicisms also reflect the worldview of a modern person and produce, albeit through the prism of postmodern deconstruction and satire, a portrait of a modern person. Loanwords also direct the plot and reveal some narrative aspects at the linguistic level. Keywords: Anglicisms, foreign language inclusions, functions, postmodernism, contextual understanding, plot, title complex, V. Pelevin Bibliography: Aguzarova E. V. Funktsional’no-stilisticheskie osobennosti zaimstvovannoy leksiki v romane V. O. Pelevina “iPhuck 10” [Functional and stylistic features of borrowed vocabulary in V. O. Pelevin’s novel “iPhuck 10”]. In: Moy vklad v nauku: III Mezhdunarodnyi konkurs molodykh uchenykh [My contribution to science: III International competition of young scientists]. Penza, ICNS “Science and Education”, 2023, pp. 30–34. (in Russ.) Galkina I. V. Paratekstual’nost’ v romane V. Pelevina “Generation ‘P’” [Paratextuality in V. Pelevin’s novel “Generation ‘P’”]. Bulletin of Irkutsk State Linguistic University, 2011, no. 2 (14), pp. 78–81. (in Russ.) Karimov R. I. Kuzmina O. D. Assimilyatsiya anglitsizmov v russkom internet-diskurse [Assimilation of Anglicisms in Russian Internet discourse]. In: TERRA LINGUAE. Collection of scientific articles. Kazan, Kazan Uni. Press, 2021, iss. 9, pp. 55–59. (in Russ.) Pogorelova I. V., Shiryaeva Zh. L. Latinichnye anglitsizmy v romane V. Pelevina “iPhuck10” [Latin Anglicisms in V. Pelevin’s novel “iPhuck10”]. Litera, 2019, no. 2, pp. 159–163. (in Russ.) Shamlikashvili V. A. Massovoe i elitnoe potreblenie v postindustrial’nom obshchestve [Mass and elite consumption in a post-industrial society]. π-Economy, 2009, no. 3 (79), pp. 35–40. (in Russ.) Shakhmetova N. R. Satiricheskie allyuzii zaglavii romanov Viktora Pelevina [Satirical allusions to the titles of Victor Pelevin’s novels]. VSPU News. Philological Sciences, 2019, no. 6 (139), pp. 230–235. (in Russ.) Sherchalova E. V., Larina N. A. Sotsial’nyi mif kak syuzhetoobrazuyushchii element v postmodernistskom proizvedenii (na primere romana V. Pelevina “Taynye vidy na goru Fudzi”) [Social myth as a plot-forming element in a postmodern work (on the example of V. Pelevin’s novel “Secret Views of Mount Fuji”)]. In: Rossiya v mire: problemy i perspektivy razvitiya mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva v gumanitarnoi i sotsial’noi sfere [Russia in the world: problems and prospects for the development of international cooperation in the humanitarian and social spheres]. Proceedings of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference]. Moscow, Penza, 2021, pp. 230–236. (in Russ.) |
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