Table of Content of Issue 1, 2020
The Plot in Literature and Folklore T. I. Kovaleva
The Story about the Vision of Cyril Belozersky
in the North Russian Lives of the Monasteries’ Founders:
The Lives of Cyril Belozersky and Alexander Svirsky
In detail
Zh. M. Yusha
Motives of Good Wishes in the Rites of the Children’s Cycle
of Tuvans of China, Russia and Mongolia
In detail
N. R. Oinotkinova
Plots and Motives about the Creation of the Earth and Man
in the Mythology of the Altaians
In detail
A. E. Kozlov
Pragmatics of the Secondary Text:
Vlas Doroshevich as Mr. Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov
In detail
M. N. Klimova
Lady Macbeth in the Context of Russian Culture:
From a Character to a Plot
In detail
H. А. Sahakyan
Fairy Tale “Stones of Mteulety” by A. Remizov
and The Image of Mountain Spirit-Giant
In detail
N. A. Nepomniashchikh
Durylin’s Interpretation of Leskov:
A Memoir Writer
In detail
E. S. Tarasova
Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov
as Coauthors of Ilf & Petrov Novels
In detail
E. V. Kapinos
The Russian China in the Last D. A. Prigov’s Novel
In detail
The Plot in the System of Cultural Universals: Bunin, East and West of the Russian Emigration E. E. Ivanov
Dream in Prose by Gaito Gazdanov as an Anarrative Strategy
In detail
O. N. Vladimirov
Bunin’s Lyrics: The Evolution of the Relationship
between Objective and Subjective
In detail
A. A. Chevtaev
The Poem “Hagia Sophia” by I. Bunin:
Architectural “Cosmism” in the Structure of Lyrical Plot
In detail
D. D. Nikolaev
France and the French in “Okayannye dni” by I. A. Bunin
In detail
T. G. Putilina
Bolshevik Russia as a “World of Death”
(Based on the Book by I. A. Bunin “Damned Days”)
In detail
The Plot of Area and the Plot of a Book A. V. Boyarkina, T. S. Simyan
University “Mythology” and the Microtoponymy
of the Interior Space (On the Example of the Philological Faculty
of St. Petersburg State University)
In detail
A. B. Ustinov, I. E. Loshchilov
Nikolai Zabolotsky and His Artists
In detail
Literary Life: Plots and Destinies A. B. Ustinov
On Literary Environment of the 1920s:
The Circle of Hermes
In detail
V. V. Nekhotin
Tea Es (N. N. Sokolova, 1888–1968)
Materials for Biobibliography
In detail |