Table of Content of Issue 1, 2015
Theory and Analysis of Plot Zholkovsky A. K., Shcheglov Yu. K. (Los Angeles, CA, Madison, WI, USA)
On the Spatial Structure of Leo Tolstoy’s Children’s Stories
In detail Literary Life of the Plot Klimova M. N. (Tomsk)
Russian Myth about Sorcerer and Enchanted Beauty: Structure, Genesis,
In detail Chavdarova D. D. (Schumen, Bulgaria)
The Russian at a Rendez-Vous with European (Love Plot as a Metonymy
of Intercultural Dialog)
In detail Nikolaev D. D. (Moscow)
Jokes, Satire and Humorous Short Stories about the Soviet Red Army: Comic Situations and Comic Narratives
In detail The Plot, Motive, Genre Vasilyeva G. M. (Novosibirsk)
Greka Was Riding Across a River: «On the Other Side of Tula»
by A. Nikolev. Article 1
In detail Isakova I. N. (Moscow)
Onomastic Space of A. N. Ostrovsky’s Play «The Storm» as a Simbolic Reflection of the Plot and Its Tragic Denoument
In detail Pecherskaya T. I. (Novosibirsk)
Theretelling of Theplot as a Way of Its Appropriation (Polemics about the Novel by I. S. Turgenev «Fathers and Sons»)
In detail Makarova E. A. (Tomsk)
Plot «Theater» in Literary Criticism of N. S. Leskov
In detail Ozhereliev K. A. (Omsk)
Plot Features in the Drama «Pskovityanka» by L. A. Mey
In detail Romashchenko S. A. (Novosibirsk)
Avtoreferenciâ in Lyrical Discourse: «Poems about Verse» in Dialog Nadson with Nekrasov
In detail Boyarsky V. A. (Novosibirsk)
Physiology of the Artist: The Stories «Albert» by L. Tolstoy and «The Adventurer» by G. Gazdanov
In detail Proskurina E. N. (Novosibirsk)
Features of Provincial Story in the Novel, Klimovsky «That’s All»
In detail The Plot and the Thesaurus of a Death Shatin Yu. V. (Novosibirsk)
Thanatology of Andrej Belyj. Paper First. Golden Cockerel and Silver Dove
In detail Kozlov A. E. (Novosibirsk)
The Plot of a Dead Body in Russian Literature of the XIX Century. Article I
In detail Podlubnova Yu. S. (Yekaterinburg)
The Interpretation of History in the Literary Texts Devoted to the Life and Death of the Royal Family on Ural (1920–1930s)
In detail Literary Plot and Historical Commentary Lekmanov O. А., Ustinov A. B. (Moscow, Russia, San Francisco, USA)
The Real Life of Maurice Laporte: On One of Mayakovsky’s Later Poems
In detail Rubinchik O. E. (Sankt-Petersburg)
The Story Behind the Publication of Osip Mandelshtam’s Poetry in the Poet’s Library (From the Correspondence of Nadezhda Mandelshtam with Lydia Ginzburg)
In detail |