Table of Content of Issue 2, 2013
The Plot and the Methods of Its Description Polosina Alla N.
The History of West-European Plots in the Works of Schiller, V. A. Zhukovsky and L. N. Tolstoy
In detail
Mankevich Irina A.
«Literary Clothes» as the Text: The Motive, the Plot, and the Function
In detail
Kozlov Aleksey Е.
The Events in Provincial Plot (By the Russian Literature of the XIX Century)
In detail
Yakimova Lyudmila P.
The Sign of Dostoevsky in the Story «The Bride» by A. P. Chekhov
In detail
Alekhina Nina M.
The Motive of Sacrifice in Innokenty Annensky’s Translations from Leconte de Lisle
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Nalegach Natalya V.
«The Poetry of Naked Conscience» and I. Annensky’s Traditions
in the Lyrics of the «Paris Note» Poets
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Comparelli Rosa
Poetics of Visual Code in B. Poplavsky’s Poetry. Italian Context
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Pesterev Stanislav K.
The Plot of Assassination and the System of Characters in M. Aldanov’s Essays 0f 1920–1940s
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Boyarsky Vyacheslav A.
The Man of the Crowd on the Night Roads: Edgar Allan Poe and Gayto Gazdanov
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Voronina Evgeniya B.
The «New» Plot in N. Sarraute’s Works
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Karpova Galina I.
The Motive of Judgment in the Poem «The Seventh Heaven» by Vasily Fedorov
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Asheulova I. V.
The Plot of Search of the Truth as the Implementation of the Dream of Paradise on the Earth in V. Sharov’s Prose
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Vladimirov O. N.
«Po Edgaru Po»: The Raven and its «Nevermore» in the Russian Poetry of the XX–XXI Centuries
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Medvedeva N. G.
«Stelae and Inscriptions» by O. Sedakova: «Theatre of Things and Images» and Poetics
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Literary Plot and Historical Commentary Dragaykina T. A.
Russian History in the View of Sentimental Poet: «Granovitaya Palata» («Faceted Palace») by N. M. Kugushev
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Melnikova Sofya V.
The Life Story of a Parish Priest in Russian Fiction of the Second Half of the XIX Century
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Anisimov Kirill V.
«You Truly Deserve Examining». The Geographical Exotics in the Narrative Structure of I. A. Bunin’s «Peasant» Short Stories («Nocturnal Conversation» – «Workdays»). Article 2
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Plot and Genre Schumacher Anastasia E.
The Genre of Ballad in the Works of I. I. Dmitriev
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Klimentyeva Margarita F.
Two Literary Journeys of 1833
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Khryascheva Nina P.
Interpretation of Stefanievsky Myth in A. Ivanov’s Novel «The Heart of Parma, or Cherdyn – the Princess of Mountains»
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Bologova M. A.
Genre of Parable: Modern Interpretations, New Traditions and the Forms
In detail |